explore the options below & choose the best fit for you!

Not sure if DoanAbility is right for you? Schedule a free 20-minute discovery call!

This is your call to action!

One-on-One coaching

  • Online, virtual coaching sessions via zoom or FaceTime

  • 3-Month, 6-Month, and 12-Month Packages available

  • 1-Hour, weekly consults/check-ins

  • Real time movement assessment

  • Real time exercise demonstrations with cueing and corrections tailored to you

  • In-depth discussions about your specific goals, needs, current impairments/injuries, exercise experience, medical/injury history, sleep history, and stress management

  • Custom workout plans based on your goals

  • Custom nutrition guidance based on your goals

  • All plans accessed through the app, TrueCoach (free to download)

  • Each session will be a re-assessment and we will review your plan and make changes according to your progress

  • 24/7 support from Sarah via email or text message

  • You can buy a 3-Month Package for $450, a 6-Month Package for $875, or a 12-Month Package for $1200

  • 1-Hour, one-off consults are $150/hr

  • Click the button to learn more!! :)

  • A great option if you’re not sure if DoanAbility is for you

  • 20-min virtual or phone call with Sarah

  • Discuss your goals, needs, and wants

  • Learn more about what DoanAbility is & what it can do for you

  • If it is not something that will work for you, Sarah will help find someone else that can help you. No hard feelings, this is about you

  • If you decide to continue with 1:1 coaching, this discovery call will serve as a good foundation for all sessions moving forward

Free 20-min discovery call