1:1 Coaching

from $150.00

Choose the package that works best for you! I am currently offering 3-month and 6-month packages! For 1-hour consultations, my hourly rate is $150

Let's Get Started!

Choose the package that works best for you! I am currently offering 3-month and 6-month packages! For 1-hour consultations, my hourly rate is $150

Choose the package that works best for you! I am currently offering 3-month and 6-month packages! For 1-hour consultations, my hourly rate is $150

1:1 Coaching includes weekly check-ins with me via zoom or FaceTime (though these are not required, I highly encourage them for use to be able to communicate clearly with each other!). Our first call together will include a conversation between us about your goals, schedule, equipment, availability, resources, experience with exercise, and more. With that information, I will build a customized plan for you that includes exercise and/or nutrition. Every session/check-in after that will be a review of your program. I will make adjustments to your program as needed, including progressions, regressions, modifications, progress toward your goals, etc. These adjustments will be made based on your reports of energy levels, sleep, soreness, time restrictions, comfortability with the plan, and progress you are making. All adjustments and modifications will be discussed with you before I make them - this is meant to be a team effort! :)

After you purchase your session, I will email you with 2 forms for you to fill out. One is an intake form about you and your goals. The other form is an informed consent for us to work together. Both forms are accessible only to you and me. Your information will not be shared with anyone else. You will also get a link for the initial zoom call. During our call we can set up weekly recurring appointments on a day and time that fits your schedule best. I will be available by email and text message outside of our sessions to answer any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

Refunds: If you are not getting what you want out of coaching or don’t feel like we mesh well, you can stop coaching at any time and I will reimburse you for the remainder of the coaching package. For example, if you purchase a 3-month plan and decide its not for you after 1 month, I will reimburse you for the remaining 2 months of the package. Your workout plan and nutrition plan is updated weekly, so you will only get what you pay for! :) IMPORTANT: If you cease communication without warning or stop your plan without communication, you will NOT be reimbursed for the time you chose not to use. Your plan will not be paused. For example, if you cease communication on week 6, and want to start back up again on week 10, you will only be coached weeks 10-12, then will need to purchase another package if you wish to continue. You will not be reimbursed for the 4 weeks that you missed if you do not communicate and/or completely stop the plan without communicating. If you no-show 2 or more weekly sessions and/or skip more than 3 weekly sessions, you will not be reimbursed. I put a lot of effort, time, research, and care into these plans. If you are not following them or communicating, you will not be reimbursed.

If you have any further questions before purchasing, PLEASE reach out to me via email and I will be more than happy to answer them for you! Or set up a 20-min consultation to learn more.